Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Java Resources

Java Resources

Java Data Structures 2nd Edition

This is Java Data Structures 2nd Edition. It is the best (no competition) FREE Java Data Structures resource on the Internet. (~250k)
Java Applets

pWobble 3D
Applet renders a 3D quake1-like world, and allows the user to fly around in this 3D virtual reality environment. Comes with GPL source code. (this applet is the next generation of Dog 3D)

The modernized remake of the original Tetris.

Applet renders a 3D looking world using a 2D BSP Tree. Comes with full source and explanation as part of the Java Data Structures 2nd Edition document.

Asteroids Game
Sure, it's not the original, but it's still very fun and addicting! The rules are a bit modified (there is no more loosing!)

Tic-Tac-Toe Game
An alpha-beta implementation of your favorite game. Different skill levels where you can actually win!

Word Calculator
This is not your ordinary calculator, this one works with words! (not numbers!) You say "five plus seven" and it says "twelve". Can also do much more complicated expressions with parenthesis & correct precedence.

pRunner Applet
Applet animates a perspectively correct Quake II (by id Software) female model.

New Waves Applet
Applet produces and animates an effect which looks remarkably similar to the one used in QuakeI (by id Software) when you're underwater using a software renderer. Comes with full source.

pCube 2
Applet renders perspectively correct concave 'cube' like shape. Comes with full source.

pNotCube 2
Applet renders perspectively correct Quake II (by id Software) female model.

pNotCube 3
Applet renders perspectively correct Quake III Arena (by id Software) female ("Crash") model.

8-Queens Problem
The 8-Queens Problem is a problem of placing eight queens on an 8x8 chess board so that no queen attacks another queen.

Draw Applet
Applet allows you to draw simple pictures in different colors. Fun way to burn time.

Image Scale Applet
Applet scales and stretches images in different directions. Not very useful, but looks nice.

Game of Life Applet
Game of Life simulation. Imagine looking through a microscope and seeing little cells... if it gets too crowded, cells die, but cells cannot survive in solitude either. The simple rules are: if a cell is alive, and has less than two neighbors, or more than three neighbors, it dies. If a cell is dead, and has exactly three neighbors (right conditions) a cell comes to life.

Scroller Applet
Want scolling text in ANY (java supporting) browser? This scroller is rock solid; tested by dozens of people over the internet.


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